Applytoeducation Team
If you're having trouble locating your uploaded resume and cover letter, please check the following:
You may have uploaded a job-specific resume and cover letter, which is why you could not find them in the ‘Résumés & Cover Letters’ page in your Portfolio.
In order to view your job-specific resume and cover letter, please do the following:
You may have uploaded a general resume and cover letter, which is why you could not find them in the ‘Jobs Applied To’ page.
Go to Portfolio > View & Edit Portfolio > Resume & Cover Letter, then click on the file name of your resume and cover letter to view and download your resume and cover letter.
You may have logged into a different account.
If you have another account, please log into that account instead.
If you have difficulties with logging in, you can refer to I Can’t Login Using My Username & Password for assistance.