When editing a PD Event automatic email notification are sent to all registered participants if the Session Start/End Times are changed and or if the Location or Description is modified.
Employees use their PD Catalog to register for PD events and sessions.
In the Scheduler section, click on Manage/View PD Events.
On the PD Events page, select New to create a new PD event.
Complete the PD Event Details page. All sections with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
Add in your Description of the event and Location.
Select which Employee Group(s) the PD event is for and if the employees participating require an absence for the date (if an absence is required, the event is subject to the employee group limit configured).
Assign a Reason for Absence and Chargeback/GL Code for the event (this section can be updated after the event is created).
Applicant Deadline is the last date employees can register for the event until.
Registration Start Date is the first date employees can begin registering for the event.
Maximum Registrants is the limit on how many employees can register for each session in the PD event (if an employee group limit is set, maximum registrants cannot exceed the employee group limit for PD events which require an absence).
Enable Waitlist allows employees who could not register because the maximum registrants was achieved to be placed on a wait list and be given the opportunity to register if there is a cancellation
Promote Event places the event at the top of the list of all PD events created instead of sequential order (this is useful if an event is cancelled and the re-scheduled; the re-scheduled event can be promoted so employees are able to find it more easily in their PD Catalogue)
Requires Supervisor Approval sends an approval request on behalf of the employee before being able to register for the event and sessions.
Notifications allows you to receive updates on your PD event and registrants to it
Create your PD Session(s) by double clicking on a date in the Date/Times calendar. In the New Session window at the Session Description, Session Start Date, Number of Days in Session (if recurring) and the Session Start and End Times and then click SAVE.
Add the Event Details and click Save when finished to have the PD event listed in the PD Catalogue for the selected employee groups and occasional lists.