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Automated Daily Dispatch


What Is A Fill Status?

No Replacement Required – No replacement is required for this absence. Unfilled – No portion of the absence is filled.

Turn Off Contacting Replacements

Follow the instructions below to turn off contacting replacements during the upcoming Winter or March Break.

Searching Available Occasionals For EasyConnect

Step 1: From the Applicants section, select Search Applicants.

Search Absences and Generate Reports

Step 1: From the EasyConnect section, select Search Absence.

Reviewing And Adding Contacts

Step 1: On the Absence Details page click Review Contacts in order to view the replacements and the status of their contact.

Reviewing Absences Missing Information

Click on a # and then click on absences to enter the missing information.

Reviewing Adjustment Logs

Step 1: Individual adjustment logs can be viewed on the Employee Adjustment Summary page when you expand a specific entry and click Yes/No for Sent to HR.

Registering for PD Events

Employees use their PD Catalog to register for PD events and sessions.

Preferred Contact List

Follow the below instructions to add an Occasional/Casual employee to your School/Location Preferred List.

Modifying the Absence or Payroll %

If the absence % is edited to zero, this will trigger a change request to signal to HR that the absence record is no longer required.

Preferred List By Employee

Step 1: Under the EasyConnect section, select Staff List.

On-Call And On-Hold

Step 1: From the Administration section, select Schools. Step 2: In the Absences On-Hold section, enter the # of absences per day.

First Contact

Select your First Contact by typing the replacement's name.

Editing Absences

Step 1: Find the absence that requires editing by searching for it on the Absence List or Search Absence pages then click the Code to view the Absence Details.

Deactivating an Absence or Selected Entries

Step 1: Individual selections for the absent employee or replacement employee can be deactivated by selecting the entry and clicking Deactivate Selection (A cancellation email will be sent to the replacement if a replacement employee selection is deactivated).

EasyConnect Dashboard For Reviewing Absences

Simply click on a # to view the absences.When you click on a # or the Absence List, you can select Today or Tomorrow to review current absences.

Customizing Your School

Step 1: From the Administration section, select Schools to view the list of schools in your District.

Creating An Absence

Step 1: From the EasyConnect section, select Create Absence. Select Location, Employee Group (e.g. Elementary Teacher, ECE, etc.) and if the absence requires a Replacement (Y/N).

Bulk Edits

Step 1: In the EasyConnect section, select Absence List. Click on the code in Green to review the details.

Approving Records For Export

Click on Export Workflows in the Administration section. From the Homepage, simply click on a # to view the absences for the indicated work flow step.