When you’re not able to apply, please check the following:
Your account must be registered in the same position/job category as the job posting. If you see the error message, “You cannot apply to this job posting as you do not belong to the job category for this posting,” it means there’s a mismatch.
Your position category is listed in the ‘Account Summary page’ of your Portfolio.
The job category is listed in each posting. Your account must be registered in the same category in order to apply.
This often happens in the 'Supporting Documents' section of an application. This indicates that a mandatory folder set by the employer is empty.
You will see the following section below each step of an application:
Folders listed here must have a file included in them so that you can submit your application.
What if I don’t have one of the mandatory documents?
You can upload a placeholder file instead, such as a document explaining the current situation. This will allow you to apply for the posting.
Once you obtain the required document, simply log into your account and update the files on the ‘Supporting Documents’ page of your Portfolio.
You can make changes to your Supporting Documents at any time, even after applying, and they will automatically update for the employer in real time.
If you receive a pop-up saying that the file may be corrupted/incompatible, please refer to How To Format Corrupted or Incompatible Files? for tips on how to reformat the document into a new PDF.
This guide is also helpful if you see the message “Please allow up to 2 hours for your documents to be uploaded to your Portfolio” and more than 2 hours have passed.
After saving your document as a new PDF or compressing it, please attempt to upload it.
If you receive the error message stating that “your applicant type is not valid”, it may be because the job posting is not accessible through the account you're using.
If you suspect you have another account with the school board you are trying to apply for, try logging into that account instead to see if you can apply for the job posting.
Here are a few reasons you might not be able to find the job posting:
If you need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 1-877-900-5627.