Quickly find and connect with job-seeking certified teachers. Tailor your search by specific criteria to efficiently identify ideal candidates.
Boost your visibility on our job board with high-impact Banner and Big Box ads, seen by over 200,000 viewers monthly.
Ensure your job postings reach the right candidates. Our packages directly email your listings to teachers interested in similar positions.
Send targeted emails to a selected group of candidates. Customize your audience based on subject area, location, experience, and more for effective communication.
Our Media Solutions equip you with an array of features tailored to increase your visibility, engage the right audience, and ensure that every communication counts.
Directly market to a pool of over 50,000 certified teachers
Every job you post is instantly emailed to the perfect candidates
Scout for the right educators by narrowing down by subjects, universities, degrees, and even specific geographies
Monitor open rates, track email forwards, and identify the educators who are engaging most.
Collaborating with over 93% of Canadian school boards gives us an edge, and it can give you one too.
Utilitize our advanced filtering systems to narrow down any potential candidates
Ensure that interested candidates are immediately notified about your listings, promoting swift and effective engagement.
Browse through an extensive catalog of over 50,000 certified educators, turning the tedious task of recruitment into an efficient process.
Job postings today are about more than just listing an opening; they’re about ensuring it catches the eyes of the best K-12 educators, piques their interest, and motivates them to take action.
With our Media Solutions module, we transform the challenge of job postings into a streamlined process that guarantees visibility, engagement, and precision.
Maximum Exposure with Spotlighted Advertisements
Extensive Access through our Expansive Educator Database
Real-time Engagement with Swift Job Listings
Pinpoint Accuracy in Reaching Your Desired Educators
Utilitize our advanced filtering systems to narrow down any potential candidates
Ensure that interested candidates are immediately notified about your listings, promoting swift and effective engagement.
Browse through an extensive catalog of over 50,000 certified educators, turning the tedious task of recruitment into an efficient process.
Your next top hire is just one targeted media package away.