K-12 Education New Graduate Teacher Recruitment Virtual Workshop

Event Date:
Tuesday, April 15, 2025
Time of event:
11:30 am
4:00 pm

Recruiting new graduating teachers is one of the biggest challenges facing Canadian schools today. 

Every year, schools and school boards are having to become more proactive and strategic to attract talented education students and grads from across the country and beyond. 

This workshop will give you the insights needed to navigate today's education recruitment landscape. You’ll learn about the career and employment interests of today’s students and how to more effectively grab their attention and persuade them to apply. You will also learn about recruitment and branding strategies that have proven effective across the most competitive industries and how to apply them in the K-12 education context. 

Key topics will include:

  • Understanding the Campus Talent Ecosystem
  • Using the Campus Talent Acquisition Scorecard to assess your strengths and challenges 
  • Key characteristics and interests of today’s Generation Z students
  • How to develop more compelling messaging that attracts students
  • And much more


HR staff with responsibility for hiring and those who sit on hiring committees in a school board setting including human resource staff, principals and vice principals.


(All times shown in Eastern Daylight Savings Time)

11:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Introductions & Understanding the Campus Talent Ecosystem

Campus recruitment and early talent management comprises many interconnected parts that affect the success of any student hiring program. Understanding the Campus Talent Ecosystem provides a structure for better understanding all these components to allow recruitment leaders to better evaluate their efforts, identify key challenges, and create action plans to support improvements and seize opportunities.

12:00 - 12:45 PM

Evaluating Your Strengths, Challenges & Opportunities with the Campus Talent Scorecard

After being introduced to the Campus Talent Ecosystem, participants will complete the Campus Talent Scorecard. This simple online “audit” provides a very quick and simple method to understand the strengths of your campus programs and also to prioritize changes and investments for making improvements.

12:45 - 1:00 PM


1:00 - 1:45 PM

How Well Do You Know Gen Z? Understanding Today’s Education Students

Understanding the next generation of employees is critical to your success. While the next generations’ attitudes are always evolving, the pandemic has accelerated some of these changes in unforeseen ways. This presentation will feature exclusive highlights from the most recent research with more than 20,000 Canadian university and college students with a particular focus on the unique values and preferences of more than 850 students majoring in education programs.

1:45 - 2:15 PM

Employer Branding & Your Employee Value Proposition

How well do you understand employer branding and your employee value proposition? This workshop will simplify these concepts for you so you can focus on clearly defining – and communicating – the unique benefits of working for your organization.

2:15 - 2:30


2:30 - 3:00 PM

Developing Key Messages & Engaging Stories

Building on the concepts in the previous workshop, participants will begin to work on clearly defining the messages and stories that will connect prospective teachers with your unique organization. You’ll also have an opportunity to discuss these ideas with peers from across the country to learn more about how others are succeeding.

3:00 - 3:45 PM

10 Keys to Success on Campus

This session will both recap some of the key concepts and ideas discussed throughout the day while also introducing some additional ideas and “best practices” that top employers use to attract, engage, and recruit students and new graduates.

3:45 - 4:00 PM

Creating Your Next Steps Action Plan

In this closing session, you’ll have an opportunity to set out some action plans to ensure you will make changes that will support incremental improvements to your program. We’ll follow a simple process to document actions – both very small and significantly bigger – that you will pursue over the weeks, months and year ahead. Your “Next Steps Action Plan” will ensure you make good use of your new learnings.


1 Person = $399

2+ Persons = $299 per person


Graham Donald

Brainstorm Strategy Group Inc.

Graham Donald is one of North America's leading experts on attracting, recruiting, and engaging students and graduates. He founded Brainstorm Strategy Group in 2003 to focus on improving students' school-to-work transition by advising both the employers that hire students and the educators who support their career development on campus.

His clients have included McGill University, Sheridan College, University of Toronto, Simon Fraser University, UBC, Rutgers University, George Brown College and many others as well as corporate clients including KPMG, Deloitte, and CIBC. He chairs several conferences and training programs annually including the Strategic Enrolment Marketing & Management Forum (SEMM Conference), the Campus Recruitment Academy, and the Employer Engagement Academy. He also speaks regularly at conferences across the US and Canada.

Graham Donald is the lead researcher on Brainstorm's annual survey of students which has gained insights from more than 400,000 participants over the past twenty years. He received both his BA and MBA from the University of Toronto.

To register or for more information, contact Christina Hemeon at chemeon@applytoeducation.com or 416-932-6781.